
February 23, 2014

Letting It Go

It’s a bit uncanny how this week’s forecast and guest question go hand-in-hand, but hey, the Universe sometimes finds it necessary to give a double-punch when the timing of a message is important to hear. It’s all about letting go. And not just letting go of something that is broken beyond repair, but letting go of something that may be only partially dysfunctional. It makes it much more difficult to let go when you still get at least a little pleasure out of a situation, though in the end of it all you need to weigh how much return you get on your investment. Is your output of energy toward whatever it is at least giving you a little more back? Or is it leaving you feeling drained and overwhelmed? I know that the dynamics of any situation can ebb and flow with how much energy you’re giving vs how much you’re given, though when it gets to the point of more consistent giving with no getting then it may be time to reevaluate things.

This is going to sound like a very silly analogy, but this week’s forecast came to me while vacuuming the living room. Here’s a little back story: about 10 years ago I fell prey to a Kirby vacuum salesman who came to my door. It’s a little embarrassing to admit that. Now don’t get me wrong, the vacuum was one powerful sucker, but with what I paid for it I could’ve bought a decent used car. The other day while vacuuming I realized that although it was still a good vacuum, it was unwieldy and too large for my present small space. I really didn’t like it and it made the already not-so-fun chore of vacuuming even less enjoyable. I realized that my attachment to it was the amount of money I had spent it. Knowing that I would never get anything near what I paid for it, I decided it was time to let go of the heavy thing and see if I could trade it in for a lighter, more easy going model. I’m happy to say that I was able to do just that, though I have to admit to having a little bit of a hard time handing it over once it was time to do so. It’s funny how we get attached to things.   

Here’s to letting go of heavy suckers and lighten the load!

With Love.


From Over There: 2.23.14 Weekly Forecast
It is time to release attachment and let go of that which has perceived value, but is not fully functional. Look for that which may have served you in the past, but no longer serves your joy. It is time to reassess whether the benefits are outweighing the pain or if the pain is outweighing the benefits. You and only you can decide if the balance the power it has in your life serves you, or is of disservice. It is time to look deep.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: How do I let go of something that I need to let go of when I know that it’s probably going to cause me a huge amount of pain to do so? How do I move forward?

A: It is an act of bravery to create change that initially leaves one in a state of discomfort. This bravery comes from one’s own personal power. This power increases with each brave act. To hide in fear of change increases the pain that may have started as a less concerning feeling, yet grows stronger and more painful with denial, creating an ever-burdened heart that cannot heal. It is in moving toward the pain – not away from it – that will encourage its release and will make it less troublesome. It is in the knowing that what starts as a burden lessens as you release.

To deny the burden only increases its weight, filling the heart with heaviness. To deny the burden instigates life patterns that create life situations that bring lessons to encourage its release. These lessons will present themselves in ways that continue to increase the burden until one is brought to a level of discomfort that creates the acknowledgement of the burden and desire to let it go. It may feel as if life is unfair, yet it is life attempting to move toward healing.

It is by bravely facing that which is not fully functional and choosing a path toward change that creates healing and an opening for a more enriching life. It is to pull back the lens of focus to see a bigger picture instead of pointing focus solely on the issue. When one focuses solely on the issue peripheral vision is lost and perspective is overshadowed by pain. If one chooses to view through a broader scope, perspective is colored by possibility. This empowered perspective allows for greater happiness to fill one’s life.


NOTE: Remember if you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!

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