
March 9, 2014

No Distractions

This week’s forecast came to me while working at a very busy and loud coffee shop. I found it very interesting, because my first thought was that there would be no way I could get a clear message with such distraction all around me. And as is the case most of the time, the Universe has a funny sense of humor. So I sat and allowed the information to come flooding through and found it extremely easy to ignore the action all around me. Neither whirling of the blenders, nor the bad pop music (in my opinion, anyway), the chatting teenagers (this particular coffee shop was right next to a high school) or even the steaming of milk got in my way. It was actually quite empowering.

The forecast is also in line with a question a received a while back. It’s all about how to maintain focus when life is hitting you from all sides. This question was very timely for me as well, as over just the last couple of weeks I’d been broadsided by an emotional tornado of painful situations with a number of people with whom I’m very close to and care deeply about.  And just as situation #3 hit I thought to myself, “I can either freak out in despair or buck up and be there for those who need me.” I chose the latter, but was also able keep on top of the stuff that I personally needed to attend to and didn’t completely forsake myself in the process. It was a much better way to approach things and I wasn’t left feeling completely overwhelmed or drained like I might have been in the past. It’s all about finding the right balance that works for you, really.

So instead of letting go of what you’re aiming for when things jump in front of the target, just remember that you owe it to yourself to keep your eye on the bullseye – especially when life is hitting yu from all sides.

With Love.


From Over There: 3.9.14 Weekly Forecast
As life swirls around you, as situations arise that are not aligned with your path, maintain focus. It is the individual who can achieve continued focus regardless of what unfolds all around that will bring forth that which they desire. Know that the time is now to maintain focus, know that it is a choice to engage with the distracting forces or to remain unfettered in their presence. Know that it is time to practice greater focus on that which you desire.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: I keep trying to work toward my goals, but life seems to keep getting in the way. How do I achieve what I want when all hell seems to constantly break lose all around me? I’m SO frustrated!

A: It is to put your desires as important as others. The distractions will always occur. You may also look at the deeper issue here as to why you allow yourself to be dissuaded from your path. There are many reasons that one allows this. There may be fear of failing at the accomplishment. There may be fear of succeeding at the accomplishment. This can happen when you do not feel worthy of what you desire or do not trust yourself to be able to create that which you desire. No matter the reason for allowing the distraction, it is time to see yourself as worthy of priority. This understanding of your desires as being as important as the desires of those around you will allow you to put your desires and the action needed to create your path toward outcome in proper priority, and not last after everyone around you. Stepping into this new place of power will shine a light of encouragement for others to do the same. It is the way to a balanced life.


NOTE: Remember if you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!

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