
March 23, 2014

Perfectly Aligned

This week’s forecast and reader Q and A have to do with aligning with what it is we want in life and what happens when we don’t. I’m not necessarily talking about the grand things we may want to pursue, but more the day-to-day things that bring us joy. It’s the little things that make life a pleasure, the occasional big explosive stuff is just icing on the cake (no disrespect in regard to the sugar issue for this week’s inquiry).

What can you do today to make life more interesting and fun? Have you let go of something that you enjoy because of a perceived lack of time? The thing is, if we make something (like our own happiness) a priority then we find the time to do whatever it is that we want to do. For myself, I recently started drawing again, something I hadn’t allowed myself to do in years. And I’m really, REALLY enjoying it! It feels good to do something simply for the pleasure of it and not as a means of appeasing my crazy workaholic Capricorn tendencies. Drawing has nothing to do with my career path, or any “big picture” concept. It just is, and that’s good enough.

So your homework for the week is to think about something that you can realign yourself with that brings you joy – whether it’s along a career path or not – and allow yourself some time to pursue it. Because you deserve it and your happiness just might depend on it.

With Love.


From Over There: 3.23.2014 Weekly Forecast
It is time to realign with the vision you hold for creating that which you desire. Do not be concerned that momentum has been lost due to recent chaos presented through other life situations. The energy previously set forth has held space for the manifestation of desires. Realign through thought and action. Realign through heart and passion. Remember the original joy of why you set forth on this path.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: Lately I seem to have no patience for anything. I’m usually a very happy person, though these temper flare-ups are really starting to bother me and affect my life in negative way. Nothing has drastically changed in my life, so why am I feeling this way?

A: The frustration comes from misalignment with the needs of the emotional self, and in the spirit’s need for creative expression. These feelings are amplified by the consumption of substances that are ingested in an attempt to avoid the pain that is caused by this misalignment. At this time proper rest is of the utmost importance. At this time allow creative endeavors to flow simply for the joy of process. At this time pursue activities which calm the mind and body – not over stimulate.

For the inquirer:
I got the rest of the message expressed in a way that very loudly said, “NO MORE SUGAR.” I then was shown how detrimental sugar can be to certain systems. Interestingly, our bodies can process things very differently and there’s no right or wrong, or one-size-fits-all way of eating. Some of us can handle a little sugar, some of us can’t. I saw very clearly for the one asking this week’s question that sugar sends this person’s body into an extremely heightened state of irritation. The initial rush feels good, then not so good. The effect of sugar on this person’s system is very drug-like. Not such a good thing! Just another reason why we need to get in tune with our bodies and listen to what they’re trying to tell us.


NOTE: Remember if you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!

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