
April 6, 2014

Checks & Balances

This week’s forecast talks about the “chaotic energetic forces” that are currently present, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely felt them and saw them in action last week for myself, for my clients, and those in my immediate inner circle. Although these periods can feel a little challenging, they can also be great catalysts for change. The trick is to stay conscious with your thoughts and actions and own up to it when you let the chaos get the best of you.

I have to admit to needing to apologize more than once last week. I already tend to be a bit on the intense side, especially when trying to focus on something that isn’t flowing the way I want it to, so knowing about the energies at hand definitely helps. I hope it helps you too, and that you use it to your advantage.

So take a deep breath, jump right in, and let’s go!

With Love.


From Over There: 4.6.14 Weekly Forecast
It is important to find balance in all activities – both in thought and physical action. Use active thought and physical action to pursue daily tasks, yet balance this with a calm mind and body. It is of the utmost importance during this time. Doing so will balance the chaotic energetic forces that are currently present. Doing so will keep oneself calm amidst the chaos.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: This week, after receiving the forecast, I decided to ask my own question: The forecast talks about “chaotic energetic forces”, can you please talk more about this and what that means for us?

A: There is a heightened collective energy that is accelerating the potential for the personal evolution of each individual. This creates a sense of chaos as the need for self-awareness intensifies. This creates a need for inner-reflection to ease the often unsettling feelings that may occur through such heighten growth periods. The avoidance of balancing action with quiet inaction will only further the feelings of discontent and create the potential for missed opportunity to partake in one’s accelerated personal evolution. It is time to interact with one’s self in a balanced way to allow the growth to occur. Doing so will allow the energetic forces to work in your favor, and not to your detriment.

It is time to use this energy to reexamine relationships to better understand their value in your life. Use this time to stay conscious of the thoughts and actions that these relationships encourage. It is through conscious examination that you may realign yourself with these relationships for a deeper understanding of their value. Doing so will allow insight as to whether it is time to deepen the relationship or to release it. It is time to reevaluate your relationship with yourself as well. To understand this will help you better understand your relationships with others. Be in alignment with the treatment you give to yourself, and the treatment you give others, and the treatment you expect in return from others.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!

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