
June 29, 2014

Soak Up Some Sun

You know how a little sunshine feels so good? Well this next week is the time to take full advantage of its beneficial rays. Allowing yourself a little sun exposure helps boost levels of the “happy hormone” serotonin, helping to melt away feelings of stress, worry or sadness. This is important, because as of late there’s been a whole lot of change going on – whether inward or outward – it seems to be the theme in just about everyone’s current life in varying intensities.

So now I’m to take Sheryl Crow’s advice in her song Soak Up the Sun, and go well, soak up the sun, but first put my 45 (SPF, of course) on so I can then rock on.

With Love.


From Over There: 6.29.14 Weekly Forecast
It is time to use the light of day to fuel your energetic systems. There is a general heaviness of energy that will be diffused by doing so. Allow time to be in the light while having joyful experiences. Doing so will help keep the mood elevated.


Featured Question:
Q: Can you speak a little on this ‘general heaviness’? What’s that all about?

A. This heaviness is caused by much upheaval as situations and relationships are in process of transformation. This is creating realignment of thought and action, and in doing so, creates a sense of the collapse of old foundations and barriers. This can be an unsettling experience for some. While each individual will have their own reaction and end result of this upheaval, it is a time to embrace the changes that are occurring. It is time to use the light of day to elevate the mood, doing so will ease the sense of chaos and make for a smoother transition.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

June 22, 2014

Out With the Old

This week isn’t really giving any new information, it’s just reiterating what most of us already know. Basically it’s about clearing away the cobwebs of the past so we can actually live our lives the best we can – unfettered by the experiences of yesterday. Yes, owning up to the past is necessary in that we learn from it, but getting stuck in it doesn’t do you or anyone else any good. It’s like having a neighbor or housemate that plays the same song on repeat over and over again. Very quickly it becomes irritating to listen to (even if you initially liked it) and can make life a bit unbearable.

At the base of it all is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, and in doing so, hopefully put the best us out in the world to interact with everyone else. And when we think of it in these terms, it shows how each of us individually is so important to the greater whole. We all really owe it to ourselves and everyone we come in contact with to strive for a happy, balanced life. For now, I’m going to grab a healthy bite to eat and then go on a hike, because happy Mollie spreads a much more pleasant ripple effect than cranky Mollie does.

With Love.


From Over There: 6.22.14 Weekly Forecast
It is time to step into a renewed self. Release the energies and patterns that have created divisiveness within and with those around you. It is time to clear these patterns and view with eyes that act as if seeing the world for the first time. To do so allows a more balanced perspective and a new beginning.


Featured Question:
Q: How do we release the old energies and patterns that create divisiveness?

A. It begins with proper balance and care of mind and body. With the mind, it is to acknowledge the past pain and suffering so as to release its grip. The denial of the pain and suffering only perpetuates its hold on dimming the light of true life around you. With the body, it is to allow rest when needed and the proper fuel intake for proper performance. It is to allow movement to release stagnant energies. The mind and the body are harmonious units that support one another when respect and care is given. They are the lens and vehicle from which to experience life. Therefore, proper care is the foundation for creating a life based on present reality, not the illusion of the past.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

June 15, 2014

Laugh It Up

We all know that a good belly laugh feels wonderful, especially when done with a group of friends, though in addition to being good for our overall happiness, it’s also good for our spiritual connection. As this week’s forecast states, now is a good time to let yourself laugh it up and find the humor in life. Doing so lightens the mood and calms the mind, and well, is fun. It also helps build a stronger connection with your higher-self and the world of benevolent spirit as well. Not a bad side-effect!

With Love.


From Over There: 6.15.14 Weekly Forecast
Lighten the emotional self through laughter. To laugh is to release stagnant energy in the body and to create space renewal. To renew your energy is to create change. Focus now on creating ways to laugh and uplift the senses. Share laughter with others and allow them to share theirs with you. To laugh is to directly communicate with the highest self.


Featured Question:
Q: Since laughter helps us directly communicate with our higher-selves, does that mean that it also helps connect us with the world of spirit? If so, how so?

A. When one is in the act of laughter – when brought about through joy, not at the expense of another – it elevates the energetic vibration of the individual. Since the energies of spirit vibrate at a higher level than those embodied, to elevate ones energy vibration helps move through the densities that the embodied encounter energetically. This creates potential for a clearer pathway and opens to communication. As laughter is the by-product of joy, it is really a joyful heart that raises energetic vibration, so it is important to embrace that which brings joy.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

June 8, 2014

Clearly, the Time is Now

Pretty much everyone I know, myself included, wishes they had a little more of something in their life. More time, more money, more love, more fun…whatever it is that you may feel is lacking it can definitely make life feel challenging at times. But as this week’s messages implies, all we really have at any moment is this moment. And in this moment it’s possible to stop and focus on the time, the money, the love or the fun that we do have in our lives. If something is bringing you challenges in your current situation, how can you refocus your attention on what you do have instead of what you don’t? It reminds me of a time when I was experiencing some pretty profound financial hardship and was feeling stressed – to say the least – about it. A very wise friend talked me off the metaphorical ledge by asking these questions: “Do you have a roof over your head?” Why yes, I did. “Do you have food to eat?” Yes. “Do you have clothes to wear?” Another yes. “Then for right now everything is ok, isn’t it?” Those few questions have helped me a number of times over the years when things got financially scary. Shifting my perspective from what was lacking to what I had to get me through did just that. It got me through. And you know what? I’m still standing.

Regardless if you have something currently in your life that you may need to shift perspective on or not, staying present with each moment allows you the chance to enjoy things as they happen. It’s the difference between enjoying life right now, or always reminiscing about the past. As Carly Simon says, “these are the good old days”. It also helps take you out of always worrying about the future. So here’s to each moment – the big ones, the little ones and everything in between.

With Love.


From Over There: 6.8.14 Weekly Forecast
As the balance of light increases with the lengthening of days, so too is a time to increase the light of awareness for the bounty of blessings in life. Look to this time to see with clear eyes what life presents. Do so as it unfolds with without being encumbered by future desires or past disappointments.


Featured Question:
Q: Can you explain to us how we can see life as “it unfolds without being encumbered by future desires or past disappointments”?

A. To take the moment. Stop. Notice feelings that arise. Quiet the mind. Let yourself be present. It is a practice. It is a practice to build and learn. It is a retraining of the mind to focus on that which is currently present without being distracted or overwhelmed by overstimulation. Allowing the mind to relax through periods of quiet solitude and through free flowing creative expression elevates a peaceful nature. A peaceful nature helps one maintain focus in present moment situations. Maintaining this focus helps one more clearly see the truth within each moment as it unfolds. To do so allows for a deeper understanding of gratitude for what is. This sense of gratitude brings ones awareness into the present and not distracted by the goals of the future or pain of the past.  


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

June 1, 2014

I’d Like to Acknowledge…

So I’m going to be very honest with you all in that I’m not going to give you much of an intro to this week’s forecast. I’m getting ready to head out for a full day of music at the BottleRock festival in Napa and don’t want to miss a note. 

Enjoy the forecast!

With Love.


From Over There: 6.1.14 Weekly Forecast
Notice those around you and see them in the light of gratitude. Acknowledge their part in the unfolding of your life and the support that they bring. It is time to understand and acknowledge the underlying reasons for their actions when done through the true light of love.


Featured Question:
Q: Please clarify what you mean by “understand and acknowledge the underlying reasons for their actions”.
A. When one is attempting to create feelings of autonomy the support of others may appear as the desire to control or manipulate. This often creates division in the relationship as one is left feeling underappreciated and the other overwhelmed or resentful. In understanding and acknowledging the reasons behind the actions of support – if motivated by love – one can begin to view the situation through the lens of gratitude and not through the wounds of the past. Whether one desires to accept the support is not the issue, it is to accept or decline with a heart of gratitude that will leave both parties feeling respected and empowered. Now is the time to examine the relationships where this dynamic occurs and begin to heal through shifting to the lens of gratitude.  


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!