
June 22, 2014

Out With the Old

This week isn’t really giving any new information, it’s just reiterating what most of us already know. Basically it’s about clearing away the cobwebs of the past so we can actually live our lives the best we can – unfettered by the experiences of yesterday. Yes, owning up to the past is necessary in that we learn from it, but getting stuck in it doesn’t do you or anyone else any good. It’s like having a neighbor or housemate that plays the same song on repeat over and over again. Very quickly it becomes irritating to listen to (even if you initially liked it) and can make life a bit unbearable.

At the base of it all is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, and in doing so, hopefully put the best us out in the world to interact with everyone else. And when we think of it in these terms, it shows how each of us individually is so important to the greater whole. We all really owe it to ourselves and everyone we come in contact with to strive for a happy, balanced life. For now, I’m going to grab a healthy bite to eat and then go on a hike, because happy Mollie spreads a much more pleasant ripple effect than cranky Mollie does.

With Love.


From Over There: 6.22.14 Weekly Forecast
It is time to step into a renewed self. Release the energies and patterns that have created divisiveness within and with those around you. It is time to clear these patterns and view with eyes that act as if seeing the world for the first time. To do so allows a more balanced perspective and a new beginning.


Featured Question:
Q: How do we release the old energies and patterns that create divisiveness?

A. It begins with proper balance and care of mind and body. With the mind, it is to acknowledge the past pain and suffering so as to release its grip. The denial of the pain and suffering only perpetuates its hold on dimming the light of true life around you. With the body, it is to allow rest when needed and the proper fuel intake for proper performance. It is to allow movement to release stagnant energies. The mind and the body are harmonious units that support one another when respect and care is given. They are the lens and vehicle from which to experience life. Therefore, proper care is the foundation for creating a life based on present reality, not the illusion of the past.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

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