
July 27, 2014

Instant Impact

We all know that what we do and what we say has an impact on everything around us, right? If it sounds like an awesome responsibility, it’s because it is. And it doesn’t just stop with our own immediate actions, it filters down to things like how we raise our children, the company we choose to keep, and the companies we do business with. Though oftentimes, our actions are more reactions to the past, or to future fears than to what is currently happening before us.

We all have baggage that we cart around, and as this week’s focus states, the more we practice staying present with what’s really going on, the less that baggage gets in the way. It’s all about personal responsibility and the ability to move from an "all about me" to a "we are one" point of view. You know, that thing called maturity that hopefully happens to us all at some point in our lives.

So, this week’s homework includes taking a deep breath and focusing on what’s presently happening in your life. Just for a moment, let go of yesterday and stop worrying about tomorrow. Ahhhh…nice.

With Love.


From Over There: 7.27.14 Weekly Focus
Allow yourself to step fully into the present. Take each moment of time to expand awareness of your impact on the world. Let this guide you to serve as a source of light.


This week’s question:
Q: How does being present help us to be more aware of our impact on the world?

A. To be present is to be conscious of what occurs at each moment of time. It is to understand the current situation as it is, without coloring perceptions with the past. In being present with each moment, there is a letting go of the conditioning of the past and of the desires or fears of the future. This clears the mind to react more truthfully with the given situation. This clearer mind gives greater understanding of the impact of actions and words in the present moment. In this, the individual takes responsibility for these actions and words. Understanding the effect each individual has on one another breeds compassion, and creates a less self-focused view of the world. This is a more evolved way of being.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

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