
May 25, 2014

Start a Movement

We all know that exercise is a good thing, right? And oftentimes when we think of exercise we think about the gym, or something on the strenuous side, though what about just a little more motion? Instead of beating ourselves up for not exercising on a consistent basis (speaking for myself here), what if we made a pledge to start by doing a few things throughout the day to get our bodies moving? Instead of finding a parking space right up front, maybe park a little farther out. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and so on. If these aren’t doable for you, then what about taking a moment here and there to stretch? I know that I really have to stay conscious of giving myself a break from the computer throughout the day. If I don’t my body definitely suffers and I end the day in hunch over knots (fun!).

This week’s forecast states that now is the time to instill some good body moving habits. Whether you take on a new exercise plan, increase your current method of exercise, or get moving after a period of inactivity, just do whatever feels enjoyable and don’t overdo. Remember, this is for your well-being and what feels right for you. This is not about competition, or exercising because the media says you have to look a certain way. It’s all about you feeling better being you.

With Love.


From Over There: 5.25.14 Weekly Forecast
This is a time for more physical activity. Increasing activity through movement helps calm the overactive mind. Movement releases tension that accumulates when the body is stagnant and the mind is active. It does not matter the method of movement one chooses. It is simply beneficial that one move.


Featured Question:
Q: Is this need to calm the mind through movement particularly important this week? If so, why?
A. The energy of all things is cyclical and ebbs and flows. Now is a time of flow. This energy of flow is gentle in its current, yet it is useful in that it allows one to balance the mind with the increased physical activity in a subtle, less challenging way. This makes an easier transition into forming new habits. A consistent habit of using movement to calm the mind brings balance to energetic flow and deters the cycle of unbridled activity followed by exhaustion. Due to the gentle nature of this energetic flow, it is a useful period to create the habits that support this balance. Doing so with lead to an overall more peaceful existence.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

May 18, 2014

Community Service

I really love this week’s forecast. It gives me so much hope. I don’t know about you, but I can certainly attest to the fact that things have felt a bit like a rollercoaster ride these last few months. As the days grow longer and summer is on the horizon, what better time to get out in your community and get reconnected?

With Love.


From Over There: 5.18.14 Weekly Forecast
There is now entering a phase of increased activity and of increasing connection with those around you. Open to deeper connections with those who are currently present in your life, and forge new connections with others. Now is an auspicious time to build new community and rebuild present community.


Featured Question:
Q: Can you speak more on the rebuilding of community? Is there something that needs fixing?
A. The past few months have been a period of release of previous tumultuous times. Many have experienced struggle. This struggle has come in the form of lack of financial resources, emotional turmoil, and loss. This has caused many to retreat from connection. It has caused them feelings of disconnect with their community. Now is the time to rebuild and strengthens bonds of the community. Now is the time to reach out to one another for support. Know that you are beginning to enter a phase of deeper understanding for one another. The emotional upheaval is beginning to lessen. This creates greater self- awareness and an increased awareness of others. The energy is becoming less focused on the self and more focused on the greater whole of humanity. It is time to rebuild relationships by both offering support and care to others, and accepting support and care from others. Know that you are not alone.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

May 11, 2014

Mystery Gift

I have to admit to being a bit of a control freak from time-to-time (those closest to me are probably going, “uh…ya think?”). I like to plan things out and usually start my day with a checklist in my head of what I want to accomplish, even on my days off. I only tell you this, because I want you to know that if you are at all challenged with staying present and not having a running to-do list in your head at any given moment I completely understand where you’re coming from.

Wanting to have everything figured out and planned out all the time is like trying to control the sometimes uncontrollable. We can’t always know what’s going to happen, who’s going to show up, or when it will occur. Not all of the time, anyway. For those of us who like things neatly stacked and organized this can be a challenge, but it can also be a gift. It can be a gift in reminding us that life is constantly changing, never static, and meant to be fluid. Adjusting the sails and allowing the ship to change course here and there when we don’t yet see land on the horizon doesn’t have to be scary. It can actually be exciting, exhilarating and liberating. So this week allow yourself to revel in the mystery. I myself am going to do my best to let go of the wheel and see where I land.


With Love.


From Over There: 5.11.14 Weekly Forecast
There is an undercurrent of mystery. Do not allow frustration at the inability to see the end result override your sense of accomplishment. Use this time to practice presence and appreciation for each moment as it unfolds.


Featured Question:
Q: How do we better practice being present and in the moment? Especially when doing something we don’t necessarily enjoy?
A. Understand that each moment is a gift, and that in each moment there is something to be grateful for. Listen deeply to the words spoken of those around you as they are expressed. Look directly into their eyes and see them as they speak. Listen.

If experiencing a situation that feels unpleasant to you, be aware of your breath and body. Breathe deeply and release tension from the body. Allow yourself to shift perspective. Doing so will lessen the degree of feelings of unpleasantness. The practice of presence releases worry and fear of the future and removes the tarnish of the past that cloud the present. Let this be your way of being.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

May 4, 2014

Let Go...Let In...

This week, once again, is all about letting go. More specifically though, it's the letting go of fear that can keep us stuck and unable to move forward. The fear that gets in the way of creating what we want. The fear that makes us think we’re less than who we really are. And when we feel less than who we really are, we either don’t feel worthy of going for what we want or capable of doing it. The trick is to get rid of the fear, or at the very least quiet it down enough so we can still go for what we want. Even if the jitters are jitterbugging around inside of us.

You’ll see that this week’s question is actually two questions. And part of the answer talks about “viewing the world through the energy of your heart”, which is something I want to address here. Some of you will get what it means immediately, but there may be a few of you who are wondering exactly how to do that. It’s quite simple, actually. All you need to do is take a nice, deep breath in, close your eyes, and then draw your attention to your heart. Just bring your mind there and focus on that place for a minute. The more you do this the easier it is and you won’t have to close your eyes to do it. Just focus there and you’re there. Doing this puts you in a more compassionate and calmer space. It also takes you out of fear and gives you better clarity to get to the real "heart of the matter".

So take a deep breath in…

With Love.


From Over There: 5.4.14 Weekly Forecast
Now is time to continue to shed the old to make way for the new. Let go of the fear that binds you. Let go of the fear of loss. Understand that in letting go you open to many more blessings to enter into life. Understand that in letting go it creates a richer, more fulfilling life with richer, more fulfilling relationships. To understand this is to understand the key to working with all of creation.


Featured Question: (this week is a two-part question)
Q: Can you clarify for us a bit more what “the key to working with all of creation” means?
A. When you realize your ability to work with all of creation, you understand yourself as co-creator with creation. When you understand yourself as part of creation you understand yourself as creator as well. It is this understanding that shows you your ability to create that which you desire in life. If you function from the perspective of creator you will naturally choose options that better serve you and your greater happiness.

Q: Ok, how do we get to that place of functioning from the perspective of creator?
A. View your world through the energy of your heart. Whenever in doubt shift your consciousness there. Live from this place and you will begin to see your true desires, not those created from fear. Doing so will increase your happiness. Doing so will allow greater abundance of that which brings you joy. Doing so will create more fulfilling and deeper relationships.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!