I have to admit to being a bit of a control freak from
time-to-time (those closest to me are probably going, “uh…ya think?”). I like
to plan things out and usually start my day with a checklist in my head of what
I want to accomplish, even on my days off. I only tell you this, because I want
you to know that if you are at all challenged with staying present and not
having a running to-do list in your head at any given moment I completely understand
where you’re coming from.
Wanting to have everything figured out and planned out all
the time is like trying to control the sometimes uncontrollable. We can’t always
know what’s going to happen, who’s going to show up, or when it will occur. Not
all of the time, anyway. For those of us who like things neatly stacked and organized
this can be a challenge, but it can also be a gift. It can be a gift in
reminding us that life is constantly changing, never static, and meant to be fluid.
Adjusting the sails and allowing the ship to change course here and there when we
don’t yet see land on the horizon doesn’t have to be scary. It can actually be
exciting, exhilarating and liberating. So this week allow yourself to revel in
the mystery. I myself am going to do my best to let go of the wheel and see
where I land.
With Love.
From Over There: 5.11.14
Weekly Forecast
There is an
undercurrent of mystery. Do not allow frustration at the inability to see the
end result override your sense of accomplishment. Use this time to practice
presence and appreciation for each moment as it unfolds.
Featured Question:
Q: How do we
better practice being present and in the moment? Especially when doing
something we don’t necessarily enjoy?
A. Understand that each moment is a gift, and that
in each moment there is something to be grateful for. Listen deeply to the words
spoken of those around you as they are expressed. Look directly into their eyes
and see them as they speak. Listen.
If experiencing a
situation that feels unpleasant to you, be aware of your breath and body.
Breathe deeply and release tension from the body. Allow yourself to shift
perspective. Doing so will lessen the degree of feelings of unpleasantness. The
practice of presence releases worry and fear of the future and removes the
tarnish of the past that cloud the present. Let this be your way of being.
you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in.
I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best
matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!
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