
May 18, 2014

Community Service

I really love this week’s forecast. It gives me so much hope. I don’t know about you, but I can certainly attest to the fact that things have felt a bit like a rollercoaster ride these last few months. As the days grow longer and summer is on the horizon, what better time to get out in your community and get reconnected?

With Love.


From Over There: 5.18.14 Weekly Forecast
There is now entering a phase of increased activity and of increasing connection with those around you. Open to deeper connections with those who are currently present in your life, and forge new connections with others. Now is an auspicious time to build new community and rebuild present community.


Featured Question:
Q: Can you speak more on the rebuilding of community? Is there something that needs fixing?
A. The past few months have been a period of release of previous tumultuous times. Many have experienced struggle. This struggle has come in the form of lack of financial resources, emotional turmoil, and loss. This has caused many to retreat from connection. It has caused them feelings of disconnect with their community. Now is the time to rebuild and strengthens bonds of the community. Now is the time to reach out to one another for support. Know that you are beginning to enter a phase of deeper understanding for one another. The emotional upheaval is beginning to lessen. This creates greater self- awareness and an increased awareness of others. The energy is becoming less focused on the self and more focused on the greater whole of humanity. It is time to rebuild relationships by both offering support and care to others, and accepting support and care from others. Know that you are not alone.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

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